Studio for children & co
Do you want to join in? The Museum für Gestaltung Zürich offers you lots and lots of things to research, try out, design and to just have fun with!
Free admission
under the age of 16
+41 43 446 66 20
The open studio is currently being redesigned and will no longer take place for the moment.
Together with your parents, grandparents, or other accompanying persons you can explore a current exhibition or the Museum collection. Afterwards you can build, glue, draw and experiment in the studio.
The project weeks during the holidays awaken an interest in design experiments. Use the opportunity to look at the theme of an exhibition in greater depth and to design yourself! For a week ideas and a wealth of material are available to you in the studio.
Celebrate your birthday in the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich! The birthday table is laid for you and your guests. In the exhibitions and studio you can find any amount of ideas and material for all kinds of creative capers. As a reminder of the celebration you can take all the things you make home with you.
You can choose which of four themes best meets your interests:
2.5 Stunden
max. 12 Kinder
CHF 350 inkl. Workshopmaterial, Gedeck, Tischschmuck, Geburtstagswundertüte und Museumseintritt
Hahnenwasser steht in Karaffen zur Verfügung; Geburtstagskuchen und spezielle Getränke werden selbst mitgebracht
Designed for a commission from…
Many design products are created as the result of a commission from a firm or a private person. Imagine a client and design wonderful chairs for cyclists or women truck drivers, computer freaks or ballerinas.
Box it!
For you, what are the highlights of the collection? Using thaumatrope magic discs that you make yourself these things can be packed visually in a box.
Develop a logo for your ideal firm or your club. Using the logo stamp you can print your own business stationery and business cards.
FREEZE – chairs between standstill and action
City noise, vehicular traffic and thousands of people – just imagine that you could make time stand still for a moment. What pose would you freeze in? A short choreography develops between action and standstill.
Play, fun, knowledge and design: in cooperation with Pro Juventute every year during the summer holidays we offer "Ferienplausch" courses for children big and small in our building on Ausstellungsstrase and in the Le Corbusier Pavilion.
You don't have to travel to discover foreign worlds! In the framework of the program "Cool-Tur" in tandem with other culture organisations of the City of Zurich we regularly organise interdisciplinary projects during the autumn and spring holidays.
We can provide you with lots of ideas about things you can make yourself at home. Download them and off you go!
Young animal fans from the age of 7 can explore the exhibition for themselves along the "Truffle Pig Trail." Print out the trail on the right, then click through the series of images below and solve the problems on the trail sheet!
Using images and texts, videos and soundtracks the new eGuide virtually presents information and stories about the exhibited objects from the Museum collection. In the eGuide you find a tour put together especially for you (also in Swiss German) and a selection of fascinating, colorful and amusing design and graphics highlights.